8 Best Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Swimmers Ear
Table of Content Asparagus Allergy – Symptoms and Treatment DIY Homemade Natural Toothpaste to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy Alcohol How to Get Rid of a Head Cold When to contact a doctor for swimmer’s itch Cluster Headache Relief: Tips and Remedies to Feel Better Home remedies: How to treat, and prevent, swimmer's itch White Vinegar For instance, you can carry the parasite out of the water with you and transfer it onto the towel you wipe with. The parasite can enter your skin if you repeatedly use that towel. White vinegar is one of the most effective remedies for swimmer’s ear. Its slight acidic nature helps fight the infection by cleansing the ear and removing traces of bacteria. Do remember that if you have extreme pain or signs the condition has progress to severe, you should see a doctor before trying home remedies. Here are some home remedies for swimmer’s ear treatment. Swimmer’s itch usually occurs during the summer months. It cannot be spread from one person to...